The winning bidders of the tender for the construction of three solar PV power plants in Uzbekistan have been announced.

Uzbekistan, December 15, the winning bidders in the competitive tender for the construction and operation of 3 solar PV power plants with a total capacity of 500 MW in Bukhara, Namangan and Khorezm regions were announced.


According to the results of the tender:

MASDAR company (UAE) was awarded to construct a 250 MW project in Bukhara region with a proposal 3,044 US cents per kilowatt-hour of energy charge. It is important that this is first project which will be implemented with an Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with a capacity of 62 MW.

GD Power – Powerchina Consortium (China) was awarded for a project with a capacity of 150 MW in Namangan region at 4,828 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Voltalia company (France) was awarded for a project with a capacity of 100 MW in Khorezm region at 2,888 US cents per kilowatt-hour.


Company Management

 Phone/Fax:          E-mail:

998(65)225-50-34  +998(98)774-61-78 (m)  998(65)225-73-63 (f)
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Phone/Fax:          E-mail:

998(65)225-52-36    +998(98)774-61-01 (m)  998(65)225-73-63 (f)
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 Phone/Fax:          E-mail:

998(65)225-19-57  +998(98)774-61-41 (m)  998(65)225-46-70 (f)
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 Phone/Fax:          E-mail:

998(65)225-14-25  +998(91)821-75-77 (m)  998(65)225-73-63 (f)
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Phone/Fax:          E-mail:

998(65)225-45-69   +998(91) 312-74-56 (m)  998(65)225-46-70 (f)
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Functional responsibilities

Power Supply Establishments of the Company

  Regional(City) Power Supply Enterprices of  

“Bukhara Territorial Electricity Company” JSC

Name of PSE Location Address
Alat PSE Alat region Dustlik Str., 4
Bukhara PSE Bukhara region Akhmad Donish Str., 18
Vabkent PSE Vabkent region Galaba Str., 1
Gijduvan PSE Gijduvan region Galaba Str., 59
Kagan PSE Kagan region Makhmud Tarobiy Str., 77
Karakul PSE Karakul region Ulugbek Str., 96
Karaulbazar PSE Karaulbazar region Chulkuvar Str., 1
Peshku PSE Peshku region Dustlik Str., 3
Romitan PSE Romitan region Nurafshon Str., 12
Jondor PSE Jondor region Rajabov Str., 11
Shafirkan PSE Shafirkan region Rakhimov Str., 10
Bukhara City PSE Bukhara City Sanoatchilar Str., 1/1

 Information about the management of

Regional(City) Power Supply Enterprises

Name of PSE Name of PSE Director Phone
code number
Alat PSE Nabiev Ganisher Egamberdievich 34 2-30-04
Bukhara PSE Nabiev Odil Kosimovich 54 2-54-95
Vabkent PSE Turaev Jasur Bakhtiyorovich 33 2-14-08
Gijduvan PSE Nurulloev Abdullo Aslonovich 57 2-37-84
Kagan PSE Jurayev Mukhammad Ortikovich 52 4-43-00
Karakul PSE Hamroyev Alisher Shonazarovich 56 5-23-62
Karaulbazar PSE Aslonov Buston Rustamovich 36 4-41-03
Peshku PSE Aminov Jaxongir Avaz o’gli 35 3-28-68
Romitan PSE Saidov Shaxrillo Sayfullaevich 55 2-17-88
Jondor PSE Usmonov Oybek Rashidovich 58 2-18-85
Shafirkan PSE Yuldoshev Shahobjon Shavkatovich 50 2-21-54
Bukhara City PSE Ruziyev Bakhtiyor Jurakulovich 22 5-37-90

About “Bukhara TEC” JSC

Name of the Company

Full name: Bukhara Territorial Electricity Company” Joint Stock Company

 Short name: “Bukhara Territorial Electricity Company” JSC

 “Bukhara Territorial Electricity Company” JSC is distributive-sale company in Power Energy Market, that is purchases power energy from “Uzbekenergo” JSC, distributes and sales it to the end customers.

 Bukhara Territorial Electricity Company” Joint Stock Company was created in accordance with the order of Bukhara regional State committee on State Property management and business support of #86 from July 23, 2003 about creation of “Bukhara Electricity” subsidiary company inside of Joint Stock Company.

 Amount of State share in statutory fund of the company is 51 %, foreign investors share is 45 %, share of company staff is 4 %.

Following electrical equipment are available in the balance of the company (as of August 1, 2019) :

  • Aerial lines 0,4-6-10 kV 14247 km
  • Aerial lines 35-110 kV 1483 km
  • Cable lines 0,4-6-10 kV 473 km
  • Transformer Units 6-10/0,4 kV 4957 pcs.
  • Transformer Substations 35/110 kV 88 pcs.
  • Total capacity of transformer units 6-10 kV 761000 kVa
  • Total capacity of substations 35-110 kV more than 1 mln. kVA

At present company has 12 regional and City power supply structural enterprises.

As well 8 operational services, power energy sales department and 17 departments.

Mail address and legal location of the company:

Mail address: 200125, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara City, Sanoatchilar Str., 1/1

Legal location – Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara City, Sanoatchilar Str., 1/1

Information on accrued and paid dividends_2019

Information on accrued and paid dividends for the last three years (soums) 

Year Accrued Dividend tax Paid Debt
Per share All
2015 400 289 640 000 28 964 000 230 544 000 30 132 000
2016 400 289 640 000 28 964 000 209 152 800 51 523 200
2017 400 289 640 000 28 964 000 178 041 600 82 634 400

All data provided on the basis of the calendar year.


Redemption of own shares

According to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the charter of the JSC “Bukhara enterprise of territorial electric networks” the redemption of placed shares of the Company is performed in the following cases:

I. According to the decision of the general shareholder meeting on reduction of an authorized fund (authorized capital) of the Company by part acquisition of placed shares and reducing their total quantity;

II. According to the solution of the supervisory board of the Company for the purpose of the subsequent resale of shares;

III. Upon the demand of shareholders if they voted against or did not take part in vote on reasonable excuses in case of adoption of decisions by the general shareholder meeting about:

a) reorganization of the Company;
b) consolidations of the placed shares;
c) making of the large deal connected with acquisition or alienation of property by the Company according to parts of the second and third article 84 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About joint-stock companies and protection of shareholder rights”;
d) modification and the additions in the company charter or approval of the company charter in the new edition limiting their rights.

Acquisition of own shares by the Company is made independently or through professional participants of the security market if other is not established by the legislation.

At present the JSC “Bukhara ETEN” does not perform the redemption (acquisition) of placed shares of the Company.

Tariffs of Electrical Power (from July 15, 2017)

Announcement JSC “Uzbekenergo” informs about increasing prices for 1 kW/h of electric power since July, 15, 2017. Approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Register №19-03-22-06-RUz-29-2017 dated June 29, 2017

Groups Name Price
I Industrial and equal to them consumers with connected capacity 750 KVA and higher two-rate tariff:
for 1 kW of the maximal load 336 000 sum*
for 1 kW/h consumed energy 158 sum 10 tiyin
II Industrial and equal to them consumers with connected capacity 750 KVA flat rate tariff for 1 kW/h 204 sum 30 tiyin
III Industrial agriculture consumers, including the pump stations financed from the budget for 1 kW/h 204 sum 30 tiyin
IV Electrified rail way and municipal transportation (Electric traction) for 1 kW/h 204 sum 30 tiyin
V Non-industrial consumers, the budgetary organizations, street illumination of cities for 1 kW/h 204 sum 30 tiyin
VI Trade organizations, cafe, restaurants and sphere of services for 1 kW/h 208 sum 50 tiyin
VII Population and inhabited settlements for 1 kW/h 204 sum 30 tiyin
Population in apartment houses equipped with electric stoves for 1 kW/h 102 sum 15 tiyin
VIII Electric energy for needs of heating, hot water supply and cooling (air-conditioning) for 1 kW/h 215 sum 60 tiyin
Advertising and illumination for 1 kW/h 215 sum 60 tiyin
Х Economic needs of the power supply system for 1 kW/h 204 sum 30 tiyin

1. The present tariffs are established in view of the on value added tax.
2. With introduction in action of the present Register, the Register №19-03-22-06-RUz-55-2016 established since September 13, 2016 have lost their force.
Note: (* sum – local currency)